Simple Guide

Generate key with
Official Liberland Wallet

The Official Liberland Wallet has native support for Ledger Hardware Wallet.

The Official Liberland wallet has an easy and convenient way of generating keys.
When you are done, please write down your private key on a piece of paper and store offline. 
Or add to a password manager that encrypt your files, like keepassxc or similar. 

Open the wallet and follow the guide

Step 1) Press Generate Keys

Step 2) It is recommended to disconnect from internet during this process.

Step 3) Press Generate Keys 

Step 4) Write down your private key on a piece of paper, or add to a secure password manager. Make sure you have ALL characters in lower/upper case and correct order. If you add any of those in the wrong way, you will NOT be able to use the key later. 

Step 5) Copy the Public key to somewhere convenient, eg. a text document or your password manager. This will be used to register on

Step 6) Verify that you have fully saved your key.

Step 7) Press Finish

You have now generated your private key, and hopefully you have followed the advice and securely stored that key. Remember that if you can not access your key, you can not access your account and funds on Liberland. Storing and securing your key is your job, so please follow each step carefully and treat your private key with respect.