Create Bootable USB

For offline generated keys

Follow one of the OS Specific guides or the quick guides below

Windows Guide

Walkthrough guide for Windows users

Linux Guide

Walkthrough guide for Linux users

Mac Guide

Walkthrough guide for Mac users

Create the USB

1. Download ISO -

2. Download Software to create bootable USB (Windows) -
    - Mac and Linux can use <dd> in terminal.

3. Plug in the USB 

4. Start program (Windows)

5. Load the downloaded ISO file 

6. Pick the USB in the list, if unsure which it is, unplug and plug the USB back in.

7. Create the bootable USB by pressing start (Windows), choose DD - And format the USB

    - Mac and Linux: (if=<point to ISO file> of=<point to USB, i.ex. /dev/sda1>)

$ sudo dd if=/home/user/eosio-live-02.iso of=/dev/USB bs=4M && sync

If everything worked, restart your computer and boot on the USB

Generate keys

1. Boot your USB

2. Open terminal (ctrl+alt+t)

3. generate a key (eosio-keygen)

$ eosio-keygen

4. Save the key in a) a file or b) encrypt it in keepassxc

    a) eosio-keygen >> Desktop/filename

$ eosio-keygen >> Desktop/filename

    b1) windows + r (search for keepassxc)

    b2) Open and create a database, with a secure password. This password is later used to access the keys, so make sure you know it.

    b3) Add new entry (ctrl+n), enter private key in password & repeat, enter public key in Notes, Apply.

5. Move the file containing your keys onto a second USB, that you use to store your data.